Listening to Democracy Now on yesterday's long drive home, an active soldier nails it with harrowing eloquence.
Active soldier, Afghanistan vet and currently applying for conscientious objector status, BROCK McINTOSH: ... I was watching the World Cup a couple weekends ago, and I made a joke: why don’t we just settle conflict with sports, with soccer? And my friend was like, "Because then America would lose," because we’re not very good at soccer. And I realized that what we’re really good at is war and that there’s really not much of a difference between the sport of war and the sport of soccer, because in both cases values are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter who’s more righteous, who has the better values. What matters is who has the best skills at this particular sport. And being proficient at the sport of killing is not something that I want to be proficient at, and I don’t believe that being good at killing proves that I have better values.
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