Awoke early for a glorious long canter (Elise does not walk ...) across More Mesa bluff and then down along the Pacific. Magnificent gray swells and kelp, seals lounging on jagged rocks, timeless fog against eroded cliffs, warm sweatshirt against the cold. We met another friend, 5 dogs between us, and glided through wide empty swaths of low-tide beach.
Returned to prepare for the workday, suddenly stopped heavy by an overdose of global overwhelm, confusion on top. Dusted with a little frustration, or maybe that's sadness? Probably woven with fear. Not a specific person, thing, circumstance, client, or item in the news But every organization I work with, everything I observe, so much that I encounter ... folks are burning to a crisp. Somber and weighty.
I know I'm supposed to help my clients accomplish measurable business objectives, but, quite honestly, I'd rather wrap them snug in star-kissed silk, serve them warm chocolate chip cookies, and tease out something worth a belly laugh.
I cleared my head with a hot shower, stepped onto the back deck just as the sun appeared in full, and took a deep breath.
What if we all got out in the sun? Stepped away from the responsibilities, to-do lists, and frustrations that prop up illusions we don't even like? I know how to shift my vibration - a moment of gratitude for sand between my toes, my closest friend in the next room, the scent of fresh eucalyptus, laughing for no reason ... I'm so there.
I just want everyone there. I want everyone to awake every morning knowing this will be the most perfect day ever, the 6+ billion different ways that might be defined.
Is that too much to ask?
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